On 16-11-2007 10:33:29 -0700, m h wrote:
with the correct PYTHONPATH, the released ("-0") version also works for me (on FC6; both with Python 2.4.4 & 2.5)
Arghhh! Hmmmm, well I'm definitely crashing... Since this looks like a double free, perhaps this is a swig issue. (Ie, it's happening in the C not the python). What version of swig are you using? I'm on 1.3.31 (gentoo)....
Niels has had some fun on our Gentoo box and said he fixed it http://monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/monetdb/clients/src/mapilib/Mapi.mx?view=log&pathrev=Clients_1-20#rev1.24.2.2 Unfortunately that is in code which you cannot easily patch and recompile.
ps - If I can get around these crashes I think I'll have a SQLAlchemy backend for monetdb fairly soon. (Don't worry python folks, I'll set the code free whether or not I finish it. From the mailing list there appears to be at least 2 other SA attempts for monetdb, but I've yet to see any code from them).
The easiest thing you can do now, is to wait an hour or 12 from now and use the monetdb-install.sh script with --nightly=stable --enable-sql to install a MonetDB/SQL from nightly source snapshots.