300 M rows, each 1 byte wide, i.e., 300 MB of data, easily fit in the main memory of my mobile phone.

300 M rows, each 1 kB wide, i.e., 300 GB of data, easily fit in the main memory of a 500 GB RAM server.

300 M rows, each 1 MB wide, i.e., 300 TB of data, require at least 75 4TB hard disk to store it in the first place.

Depending on workload, data characteristics, I/O subsystem, CPU power, network infrastructure,
performance requirements, etc.
also a much smaller machine might be sufficient, a much larger machine might be required, or a
distributed solution might be useful.

Having said that, I'm convinced that integrating MonetDB & hadoop is possible,
given the required software engineering skills. Whether / when that's useful / "needed"
is a different question that cannot be answered in general.
MonetDB does not come with a ready-to-use solution.


Edgar Mejia <omejiasq@gmail.com> wrote:
if for example i have 300 millions of rows, i need to use something as hadoop? is posible integrate monetdb as hadoop?

if i use only monetdb, and i have 300 millions of rows,  how much memory and processor is recommended as minimum?



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