Hi ypli, Sorry for the belated response to your question. I'm puzzled too on this performance drama. We will run again our experiments to check this behaviour. Is your application suitable to be run by us? In that case we would like to use your application to find out why the performance degrades. I assume you execute something like this: prepare(some query) while items left do: for each 1000 items do: set(arguments) addBatch() loop executeBatch() loop Note that I don't switch off auto-commit here. On 06-01-2007 00:23:36 +0800, yichengpingan123@sina.com wrote:
Renmin University China
Mr Fabian.Groffen:
When I use the jdbc(PreparedStatment,setXXX,addBatch(),excuteBatch())to insert data ,the time is more elapse,the speed is more slow.The first one minute may about 700/s,the tenth minute may about
400/s,and then about 100/s.
I'm puzzled.
With many thanks