Hello, I have a question for Geomodul. Is it possible to execute the following query with a LineString. This is my query with a point and the sample data set from the documentation. SELECT forests.name,buildings.name FROM forests,buildings WHERE "Intersect"(buildings.outline, Point(53.9,29.9)) = true; Now I want to replace the Point with a LineString like this in mysql. SELECT forests.name,buildings.name FROM forests,buildings WHERE "Intersect"(buildings.outline, LineString(Point(53.9,29.9), Point(53.0, 29.0))) = true; TestDatabase CREATE TABLE forests(id INT,name TEXT,shape MULTIPOLYGON); CREATE TABLE buildings(id INT,name TEXT,location POINT,outline POLYGON); INSERT INTO forests VALUES(109, 'Green Forest', 'MULTIPOLYGON( ((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26), (52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)), ((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))'); INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(113, '123 Main Street', 'POINT( 52 30 )', 'POLYGON( ( 50 31, 54 31, 54 29, 50 29, 50 31) )'); INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(114, '215 Main Street', 'POINT( 64 33 )', 'POLYGON( ( 66 34, 62 34, 62 32, 66 32, 66 34) )'); SELECT forests.name,buildings.name FROM forests,buildings WHERE forests.name = 'Green Forest' and Overlaps(forests.shape, buildings.outline) = true; many thanks Dennis ________________________________ Avitech GmbH Principal Office: Bahnhofplatz 1 | 88045 Friedrichshafen | Germany Court Registration: Amtsgericht Ulm | HRB 728293 Gesch?ftsf?hrer/Managing Director: Antonio Maria Gonzalez Gorostiza VAT No.: DE223719716 http://avitech.aero