i have updated my monet installtion from "june 2008" to "current" on Aug 19, using YAM on fedora 9.
i tried to run monet-server:
mserver5 --dbinit="include sql;" --set gdk_vm_minsize=1000000000000
and i have got:
# MonetDB server v5.7.0, based on kernel v1.25.0
# Serving database 'demo', using 2 threads
# Compiled for x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically linked
# Copyright (c) 1993-2008 CWI, all rights reserved
# Visit http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for further information
#warning: please don't forget to set your vault key!
#(see /etc/monetdb5.conf)
# Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb://
#WARNING: LoaderException:loadLibrary:sql: loader error lib_logger.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLsession' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLsession2' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLinitEnvironment' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLcommit' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLrollback' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLstatement' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLstatementOut' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLassert' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLassertInt' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.SQLassertLng' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.setVariable' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.getVariable' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_logfile' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_next_value' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'batsql.mvc_bat_next_value' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_get_value' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_restart_seq' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_bind_dbat_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_bind_idxbat_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'sql.mvc_bind_wrap' not found
.[lines were removed because the message would not been sent otherwise]
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'mat.mat_bind_idxbat_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'mat.inc_parts_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'mat.send_part_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'mat.get_part_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'mat.print_part_wrap' not found
!MALException:MAL.getAddress:address of 'constraints.Cparts' not found
!TypeException:user.main[1]:'sql.prelude' undefined in: _1:void := sql.prelude()
this file lib_logger.so.0 (which is actually a link to lib_logger.so.0.0.0) exists in: /usr/lib64/MonetDB5/lib
thanks in advanced for any help,