We are testing Dec 2011 Release to upgrade from Oct 2010 SP1 release on CentOS 5.2 64-bit with 100+ GB memory. We have a BI tool that users use to generate various reports. We have access to the SQL statements that get generated by the BI tool and sent to the MonetDB. So, we know exactly the SQL statements that are being sent to MonetDB.
One very odd thing that we are seeing the December release is that the reports from the BI tool are very, very slow (x10 - x15 from Oct releasee). It is obvious why looking at the server resource use. It looks like only 1 cpu is being used for all the queries! However, if I take the SQL statements generated by the BI tool and run them in DBVisualizer, all 20 cpu cores are used and the results return quickly. I am at a loss as to why we are seeing such different performance from identical SQL statements...
Is there a configuration setting or something in the December release that we overlooked? Can you please help us troubleshoot? Thank you.