4 Oct
4 Oct
10:33 a.m.
On 04-10-2009 03:09:12 -0700, Alex Bo. wrote:
I got this exception while running a not so special query:
ExecuteReader failed: !SQLException:optimizer: 'multiplex' should be the last !SQLException:optimizer: 'deadcode' should be used at least once !SQLException:optimizer: pipeline set to 'inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,garbageCollector,dataflow,history,multiplex'
This has been reported by someone else too, and it seems to only happen on the first query.
I haven't been able to reproduce it since. What does it mean? Is it something to worry about?
It probably means the optimiser pipeline isn't initialised as you expect it to be.