MonetDB release - MonetDB Mar2018
We are facing issues when trying to run queries concurrently on the newer version of MonetDB.
When 2 or more sessions (create/drop tables) are executed concurrently, sessions get terminated without any error messages.
Do we need to explicitly enable error feedback?
Does hitting concurrency abruptly terminates the session/connection ?
[monetadmin@lnx1490 ~]$ /monet_binaries/MonetDB-11.27.13_PY/bin/mclient mapi:monetdb://lnx1490.ch3.prod.i.com:50105/TSV_PROD_DB_A_C -u DM_POS_TSV_MRT_P6A
Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Jul2017-SP4)
Database: MonetDB v11.29.7 (Mar2018-SP1), 'mapi:monetdb://lnx1490.ch3.prod.i.com:50105/TSV_PROD_DB_A_C'
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
auto commit mode: on
[monetadmin@lnx1490 ~]$
Thank You,