Hello Martin,

Thanks for the guidance. It threw some light but I couldn't connect the dots.

I would like to know how much time does each step shown in plan took. Time could actually be found in trace, but is it possible to relate the output of plan and trace statements, to actually find out how much time does each step in plan took?

I could get dataflow, but to understand MAL statements that appear as TRACE output, should we refer to source code? Like I get expressions like sql.bind, sql.mvc(), algebra.subslice and a lot in TRACE output, that is consuming considerable time. Is there any reference for these TRACE outputs?

Thanks & Regards,

Mobile : (+91) 9500402305.

On Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 6:43 PM, Martin Kersten <Martin.Kersten@cwi.nl> wrote:
On 26/12/14 13:44, Vijay Krishna wrote:

I have been studying on the slow query behavior with certain joins in MonetDB. I use explain & trace statements to understand the flow.

But, I couldn't actually understand the MAL statements that appear as the output of EXPLAIN/TRACE statements.

I tried learning MAL with this reference - https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/MonetDB/MALreference
But it had no explanations for system defined MAL statements that appear in trace.

For example, from the trace statement, I could find that a lot of time was spent in the MAL expression "language.dataflow()", but without actually knowing what does this step actually do, I am unable to optimize the query.

Dataflow blocks mark a parallel block;

  * *Is there any reference guide to understand the output of EXPLAIN/TRACE? Or should we refer to the source code to understand this?
  * *Is it possible to know the query plan that Monet arrives to execute a query?
Explain always shows the plan to be executed.
  * *Is it possible to make the output of EXPLAIN/TRACE to be in SQL format, like in MySQL?*
You can use EXPLAIN/PLAN/TRACE to inspect the plans generated

Success, Martin

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

Mobile : (+91) 9500402305.

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