(I'm sending this to the monetdb-users list, as it might help some other people too) Hi, Thanks for your interest in MonetDB/SQL. gustavo wrote:
... What I´m missing mostly is support for group by a number of a column. In this way it would be possible to group by na expression without the use of a derived table (select from select).
I don't exactly understand what you want to do. Can you give a concrete (SQL) example that shows what you want to do? I think that would help getting me to understand.
Another thing that could boost MonetDb usage is SQL OLAP support like stddev, ranks, running sums/averages, windowing support, rollup and cube.
Most of what you mention require a different approach to the data I think. Like running sums or windowing support somehow require you to examine 'streams' of data, thus acting on data as soon as it comes in. I don't think SQL is yet up for this job, the best you can do is simply simulate it. I think CUBE was added to SQL-2003 and therefore might get included, but I don't think on the short term. However, a concrete list of wishes is always welcome! Thanks for your input!