Hi Sean, Sean McNamara wrote:
$ mclient -s "copy 2519931 records into testdata from STDIN using delimiters ',';" testdb - < /tmp/testdata.csv syntax error, unexpected IDENT in: "testvalue1"
where testvalue1 is one of the actual values in the FOO column (actually the only value in this particular file.)
I'm wondering if this is telling me it's expecting the field to be quoted, but that seems unlikely as it would make working with CSVs quite a bit painful.
Can you guys kindly help me take another step forward. I really appreciate the guidance.
I'm using COPY ... USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n',''; to bulk-load tab-delimited unquoted data. The '\t' is the default field separator, the '\n' is the default record separator. The final '' is the quote string -- empty in my case. See: http://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/CopyInto Cheers, Viktor