hello, when i changed the column types from VARCHAR(255) and used only CLOB types, the merge appears to work.  so i believe the server dying must be related to VARCHAR(255)=CLOB within two merge fields.  any idea why that might trigger a server crash?  thanks

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 5:00 AM, Anthony Damico <ajdamico@gmail.com> wrote:
yellow highlight is the only difference

> # this command works fine
create table zp13 as select v.* , arf.fips , arf.county , arf.countyst , arf.msacode from v13 as v left join arf on v.state_code = arf.state_cd AND v.bene_county_cd = arf.cnty_cd WITH DATA;

> # this command crashes mserver
create table zp13 as select v.* , arf.fips , arf.county , arf.countyst , arf.msacode , arf.msaname from v13 as v left join arf on v.state_code = arf.state_cd AND v.bene_county_cd = arf.cnty_cd WITH DATA;

i've attached the sys.columns for the two tables, not sure if attachments are allowed on the mailing list but i can send separately if needed.
