
   I have executed following SQL Statement :

sql>select product_id, sum(unit_sales),avg(unit_sales), max(unit_sales), min(unit_sales),sum(store_sales),avg(store_sales), max(store_sales), min(store_sales), sum(store_cost),avg(store_cost), max(store_cost), min(store_cost) from sales_fact_1997 group by product_id;

   It Gives following result: (In my table very large data there for i have given starting and ending rows of result set)

| product_i | L1           | L2                       | L3           | L4           | L5           | L6                       | L7           | L10          |>
: d         :              :                          :              :              :              :                          :              :              :>
|       337 |  333644.7415 |       3.4849771407382648 |       6.9998 |       0.0001 | 1145678.6601 |       11.966812134157813 |      23.9986 |       0.0005 |
|      1512 |  336475.1207 |       3.4816655356884185 |       6.9999 |       0.0001 | 1158967.1049 |       11.992375001552128 |      23.9995 |       0.0011 |
|       963 |  333727.8589 |       3.4994427668141643 |       6.9997 |       0.0003 | 1139917.6212 |       11.953082033429096 |      23.9998 |       0.0008 |
|       181 |  334323.6059 |       3.4942578847801946 |       6.9999 |       0.0003 | 1145948.0178 |       11.977131815046297 |      23.9980 |       0.0002 |
|      1383 |  334298.1724 |       3.4923130291254028 |       6.9999 |       0.0002 | 1145319.9025 |       11.964814492708198 |      23.9992 |       0.0015 |

|      1116 |  337661.6147 |       3.4923165958195015 |       6.9999 |       0.0003 | 1161142.4618 |       12.009292477789144 |      23.9996 |       0.0003 |
|       488 |  336083.8006 |       3.5025147266948111 |       7.0000 |       0.0008 | 1149952.2337 |       11.984286735448883 |      23.9992 |       0.0004 |
|       121 |  336465.6749 |        3.486221285215461 |       6.9999 |       0.0001 | 1154632.2251 |       11.963489116492081 |      23.9998 |       0.0001 |
|      1338 |  337204.2797 |        3.478592072170585 |       7.0000 |       0.0001 | 1162678.8747 |       11.994170179601195 |      23.9996 |       0.0015 |
|       910 |  338799.1540 |       3.4927387758889044 |       6.9999 |       0.0001 | 1166834.3104 |       12.029095683549643 |      23.9996 |       0.0001 |
|       438 |  335488.9579 |       3.5050823580421069 |       6.9999 |       0.0002 | 1150602.4234 |       12.021129639032544 |      23.9982 |       0.0005 |
|      1560 |  338661.5694 |       3.4991844580143199 |       6.9997 |       0.0001 | 1154747.3055 |        11.93130307492018 |      23.9994 |       0.0019 |
1560 tuples (3m 55s) !4 columns dropped!
note: to disable dropping columns and/or truncating fields use \w-1

Hear, Monetdb gives only 9 column in result table and gives message 4 columns dropped as i show in following query it gives
result of only yellow highlighted statement / columns result. Monetdb can not show blue highlighted part's result.
sql>select product_id, sum(unit_sales),avg(unit_sales), max(unit_sales), min(unit_sales),sum(store_sales),avg(store_sales), max(store_sales), min(store_sales), sum(store_cost),avg(store_cost), max(store_cost), min(store_cost) from sales_fact_1997 group by product_id;

my question is that, Monetdb calculate result of all SQL statement or it does not calculate dropped column value.

My Next Question How will I see this Dropped result?

I hope you will give me proper guidance.
My Monetdb version : MonetDB-11.11.07

Swapnil K. Joshi