On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 06:28:38PM +0100, Martin Kersten wrote:
Nafees Ur Rehman wrote:
I tried set history=true; statement to enable history, but it throws an exception that two functions are missing.I want to load these two functions but I don't have them in any of the directory of monetdb. Please note that I am running monetdb SQL on windows xp. The functions are available in the sql/src/sql/history.sql script in the source tree.
We should consider adding this file to the Windows installer, just like most (all?) other *.sql files from sql/src/sql/ that are installed into <prefix>/share/MonetDB/sql/ are also included in the Windows installer. Stefan
You have to define them once for a database.
create procedure keepQuery( i wrd, query string, parse bigint, optimize bigint) begin insert into queryHistory values(i, now(), user, query, parse, optimize); end;
-- the signature is used in the kernel, don't change it create procedure keepCall( id wrd, -- references query plan ctime timestamp, -- time the first statement was executed arguments string, xtime bigint, -- time from the first statement until result export rtime bigint, -- time to ship the result to the client foot bigint, -- footprint for all bats in the plan memory bigint, -- storage size of intermediates created tuples wrd, -- number of tuples in the result set inblock bigint, -- number of physical blocks read oublock bigint -- number of physical blocks written ) begin insert into callHistory values( id, ctime, arguments, xtime, rtime, foot, memory, tuples, inblock, oublock ); end;
set history=true;
I would highly appreciate your kind help.
Regards Nafees Ur Rehman
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