OK. When I run the command you state below, I see on the terminal: jjsmacpro:~/MonetDB/bin jjs$ ./mjclient -lsql -h'' -uafmstt -Xdebug /var/tmp/mac-to-centos.log password: A fatal exception occurred: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:306) at nl.cwi.monetdb.mcl.net.MapiSocket$BlockInputStream.readBlock(MapiSocket.java:680) at nl.cwi.monetdb.mcl.net.MapiSocket$BlockInputStream.read(MapiSocket.java:732) at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.readBytes(StreamDecoder.java:411) at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:453) at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:183) at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:167) at java.io.BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:136) at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:299) at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:362) at nl.cwi.monetdb.mcl.io.BufferedMCLReader.readLine(BufferedMCLReader.java:96) at nl.cwi.monetdb.mcl.io.BufferedMCLReader.waitForPrompt(BufferedMCLReader.java:169) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection$ResponseList.executeQuery(MonetConnection.java:1819) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection$ResponseList.processQuery(MonetConnection.java:1798) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetStatement.internalExecute(MonetStatement.java:371) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetStatement.execute(MonetStatement.java:340) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetStatement.executeQuery(MonetStatement.java:404) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDatabaseMetaData.getEnv(MonetDatabaseMetaData.java:85) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDatabaseMetaData.getDatabaseProductVersion(MonetDatabaseMetaData.java:205) at nl.cwi.monetdb.client.JdbcClient.main(JdbcClient.java:453) In the log file itself, I see: RD 1194902363422: read final block: 45 bytes RX 1194902363422: 0uKOgYZqIe:mserver:8:SHA1,MD5,crypt,plain:LIT RD 1194902363422: inserting prompt TD 1194902363436: write final block: 63 bytes TX 1194902363436: BIG:afmstt:{SHA1}87067aeaf05af17c7ef082da2e53f097cd7972ab:sql:: RD 1194902363440: read final block: 0 bytes RX 1194902363440: RD 1194902363440: inserting prompt TD 1194902363443: write final block: 48 bytes TX 1194902363444: sSET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '-05:00' HOUR TO MINUTE; RD 1194902363446: read final block: 0 bytes RX 1194902363446: RD 1194902363447: inserting prompt TD 1194902363460: write final block: 15 bytes TX 1194902363460: Xreply_size 250 RD 1194902363461: read final block: 0 bytes RX 1194902363462: RD 1194902363462: inserting prompt TD 1194902363462: write final block: 46 bytes TX 1194902363462: sSELECT "name", "value" FROM sys.env() as env; RD 1194902363465: read final block: 1693 bytes RD 1194902363466: the following incomplete block was received: RX 1194902363466: &1 0 41 2 41 % .env, .env # table_name % name, value # name % varchar, varchar # type % 17, 109 # length [ "gdk_arch", "32biti686-redhat-linux-gnu" ] [ "gdk_version", "1.20.0" ] [ "monet_pid", "23113" ] [ "prefix", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB" ] [ "exec_prefix", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB" ] [ "gdk_dbname", "demo" ] [ "gdk_dbfarm", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm" ] [ "gdk_debug", "0" ] [ "gdk_mem_bigsize", "262144" ] [ "gdk_vm_minsize", "137438953472" ] [ "gdk_alloc_map", "no" ] [ "gdk_mem_pagebits", "14" ] [ "gdk_vmtrim", "yes" ] [ "monet_admin", "adm" ] [ "monet_prompt", ">" ] [ "monet_welcome", "yes" ] [ "monet_mod_path", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/lib/MonetDB5:/home/awsim2/MonetDB/lib/MonetDB5/lib:/home/awsim2/MonetDB/lib/MonetDB5/bin" ] [ "monet_daemon", "no" ] [ "host", "localhost" ] [ "mapi_port", "0" ] [ "mapi_noheaders", "no" ] [ "mapi_debug", "0" ] [ "mapi_clients", "2" ] [ "sql_debug", "0" ] [ "sql_logdir", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/var/MonetDB5/sql_logs" ] [ "xquery_logdir", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/var/MonetDB/xquery_logs" ] [ "standoff_ns", "http://monetdb.cwi.nl/standoff" ] [ "standoff_start", "start" ] [ "standoff_end", "end" ] [ "config", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/etc/monetdb5.conf" ] [ "gdk_embedded", "no" ] [ "mero_msglog", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/var/log/merovingian.log" ] [ "mero_errlog", "/home/awsim2/MonetDB/var/log/merovingian.log" ] [ "mero_timeinterval", "600" ] [ "mero_exittimeout", "7" ] [ "mal_init", "/home/awsim2 RD 1194902363466: read final block: 9879 bytes Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 12-11-2007 13:10:04 -0800, jsolderitsch wrote:
I can also use netbeans on the linux box to connect to the localhost'd database as well.
BUT I cannot use netbeans on the Mac to connect to the centos DB.
This weird. Can you try the following from your Mac to the CentOS box:
mjclient -h centosbox -Xdebug /var/tmp/mac-to-centos.log
and copy/paste the contents of /var/tmp/mac-to-centos.log in a mail to the list?
The fact that the jdbc driver did not build due to ant not found -- could that have deeper repercussions?
None at all. JDBC natively speaks the "wire protocol", like mclient uses.
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