Thank you, Stefan, for the advice.
I apologize if I gave the impression that I am using MonetDB as a mere data store. I do realize that one should leverage analytical capabilities of the DBMS engine as much as possible before getting the results out. Part of my system will indeed make extensive use of MonetDB's amazing query capability.
Unfortunately, another part of my application deals with what is known as "complex event processing" (CEP), the most fundamental building block is the use of fixed or sliding time windows. An example would be to calculate averages of a column with a 5-minute window. Needless to say, the data are time series. The trick is to meld CEP logic with MonetDB. Ideally, I would enhance MonetDB with this capability, but I deem it to be beyond my own ability. Thus my question about how to feed data from MonetDB into my logic in bulk.
Hi Hering,
MonetDB is a full-fledged DBMS, not just a plain data store. Hence, just
like any other DBMS, its purpose it not to merely store (large amounts of)
data as retrieve it as-is in its entirety --- say, SELECT * FROM table; ---
(that indeed what we have filesystems and plain files for), but to process
and analyse the data using (possibly complex) queries that yield results
that are usually significantly smaller than the stored data volume.
Basically, I may assume that you do not intend to present data at a rate of
> 1M records per sec to the (human) user, do you?
Consequently, I may assume that your application does do some kind of
processing of the retrived data, right?
The whole porpose of a DBMS is to provide you with the tools an knowledge to
do such processing on large amount of data very efficiently.
Hence, instead of aiming at retrieving all data as-is at high throughput
from the DBMS to post-process it in your application, you should rather aim
at having the DBMS do all (or at least) most of that processing, by
formulating the processing task in a DBMS query language like SQL (or MAL,
if SQL does not provide sufficient functionality and you are nor limited to
using a standard language).
Basically, pushing (most of) the data processing logic of your application
into the DBMS to retrieve only a small ("useful" and "usable") result is the
recommended way to use a DBMS efficiently and effectively.
ps: Documentation about embedded use of MonetDB is available on our website:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 08:05:08PM -0700, Hering Cheng wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if you can give me some ideas on how to retrieve data from
> MonetDB at very high throughput. The query will be very simple, issued
> against a single table. This table contains billions of records and I'd
> like to retrieve the data at a rate of at least one million records per
> second. From my naive tests with mclient running on the same 16-core
> machine as mserver5, I am only able to extract the data at about 20,000
> records per second with the Feb2010 release.
> As a baseline case, with the same data in compressed (gzip'd) ASCII form
> stored in a regular file on the same (SAN) file system as MonetDB, I am able
> to read at the desired speed of one million records per second.
> I understand that there is communication overhead between mserver5 and
> mclient (or whatever client I use). Therefore, one possibility is to embed
> my application within mserver5. The embedded application basically just
> needs to be able to issue a SQL (or even MAL) query against the enclosing
> mserver5 and process the result set. If this is a viable approach, I'd like
> some guidance on where the hooks are.
> Thanks.
> Hering Cheng
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