Hi all, i get the following error after installing MonetDB from CVS (tip) and running monetdb/d. $ monetdbd cannot open config file (null) unable to retrieve startup status $ monetdb cannot open config file (null) As opposed to the previous version i had (a version of CVS during November), now there is no /etc subdirectory inside the MonetDB installation directory, where the configuration files lie. I also searched for any configuration files inside the build directory, in case sth had gone wrong during installation, but nothing has been generated. I also noticed that the installation procedure when compiling from CVS has been changed. Do i miss something? I just run bootstrap, configure, make, and last make install. One last remark: in the manpage of monetdbd (and monetdb), the configuration file in question is referenced as @MONETDB5_CONFFILE@. Shouldn't had been mapped to a filename? Thanks, Babis