to answer this question we'd need to know
- which version of MonetDB you are using (cf.,e.g., `mserver5 --version`)?
- how exactly does your create table statement look like?
- how exactly does your copy into statement look like?
- how exactly do lines 250106 - 250110 of your data file look like?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 01:31:46PM -0500, Roman Sokolyuk wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to upload 500000 records using copy command and I am getting the
> following error:
> !SQLException:sql:value 'somestring' while parsing
> 'somestring,1,,,2009-05-11 00:00:00,0,,' from line 250108 field 3 not
> inserted, expecting type str
> !SQLException:importTable:failed to import table
> the type of the field is varchar(100). Why wouldn't it insert something like
> 'somestring'. Also, each row has another "string" column - "name" and it
> didn't complain about the names at all.
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