Hi Lefteris,
You have asked me, which version of monetdb are you using?
I am using* MonetDB-11.11.7 *version of monetdb.
and my dbfarm is on my own system where i have executed this query.
My System configuration is as follow:
Hardware : Intel i7 2.3GHz Processor, DDR3 8GB RAM, 1TB hard disk
S/W : Ubuntu 12.04, MonetDB-11.11.7
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 4:30 PM,
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Today's Topics:
1. Same SQL Statement with different throughput time. (swapnil joshi) 2. Re: Same SQL Statement with different throughput time. (Charalampos Nikolaou) 3. Re: Same SQL Statement with different throughput time. (Lefteris) 4. Re: Same SQL Statement with different throughput time. (Stefan Manegold)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 16:59:57 +0530 From: swapnil joshi
To: Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl, users-list@monetdb.org Subject: Same SQL Statement with different throughput time. Message-ID: < CAFBccRCGURekT6sCL3SSvOGMWCBwaJv+kFD_bNnyVWEkmC8f3Q@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Hi Stefan, If monetdb doesn't maintain any caching then when i am creating test1 database which contain demo table which contain 100 million records.
When first time i am executing "SELECT SUM(V1) FROM DEMO;" monetdb gives me result in (11.4s) when immediate i am trying to execute same query "SELECT SUM(V1) FROM DEMO;" It gives me result in (31.065ms)
How / why this happen?
I have also checked my OS memory cache and I have erased OS Memory cache. Now, I am trying same query "SELECT SUM(V1) FROM DEMO;" now also he take same time in milliseconds approximate(30.723ms)
why he first time take lot of time and every next time he take negligible time.
I hope you will clear my problem related of throughput time.
-- Regards, Swapnil K. Joshi
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