Hi Max, I guess the error message explains itself: ======== $ cat /tmp/foo.xq -------- module namespace foo = "xrpc-test-function"; declare function foo:countQueueStats($docName as xs:string) as xs:integer { count(doc($docName)/qflex:queueStats/qflex:queueStat/qflex:queueName) }; declare function foo:addQueueStat($docName as xs:string, $myElement as element()) { do insert $myElement as last into doc($docName)/queueStats }; ======== $ pf /tmp/foo.xq -------- bad usage of XML namespaces: at (6,60-6,74): unknown namespace in qualified name qflex:queueName # halted in /ufs/manegold/_/scratch0/Monet/Testing/Stable/source/pathfinder/compiler/semantics/ns.c (ns_resolve), line 783 ======== I.e., namespace "qflex" is (obviously) not defined. Stefan On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 04:59:52PM -0400, Max Fedorov wrote:
Hello, please advise why these 2 queries do not work. Samples would be nice.
module namespace foo = "xrpc-test-function";
declare function foo:countQueueStats($docName as xs:string) as xs:integer { count(doc($docName)/qflex:queueStats/qflex:queueStat/qflex:queueName) };
declare function foo:addQueueStat($docName as xs:string, $myElement as element()) { do insert $myElement as last into doc($docName)/queueStats };
Thank you!
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |