Thanks, Radovan — I think I will try Hannes's importer Python script first, but it's good to know about Kettle!


On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Radovan Bičiště <> wrote:
AFAIK the tables must exist.
The documentations is here:

Slightly helpful could be to use KETTLE ETL Tool ( which is free. You can create a process for loading the CSV files. When you create a transformation using Monet Bulk Loader, there is an option (button SQL) to create table based on incoming fields from a CSV file. Let me know if it sounds interesting so I could elaborate further. :)

Hope that helps.


On 05/14/2014 09:06 PM, László Sándor wrote:
I asked a question on DBA of StackExchange about MonetDB, but as there
is not even a monetdb tag in use, maybe it wasn't the right forum for
it. Please have a look over there, or I can repeat it below:

I am confused whether you can copy records into a *new* table in MonetDB.

The official documentation seems[1] to talk only about copying into
existing tables. I have quite a large universe of billions of records in
dozens of tables, and I would much prefer a solution that inferred the
type from the CSV itself, and the column names from the first rows.

A StackOverflow answer[2] seems to work for SQL Server 2000 with
`OpenRowset`, though even they are not concerned about data-type

Another answer[3] here on DBA recommends `BCP` before calling `BULK
INSERT` in Server 2000, neither of which is discussed in the MonetDB

Other answers[4] also suggest that this is impossible in MySQL without
external scripts.

The background of my issues are that I realized that managing my raw
data (which came in text files from government agencies, with scarce
documentation) should be separate from the front-end of my analysis
still kept in Stata. This is similar to what has been achieved with
MonetDB.R (e.g.

though probably limited to an odbc link (so missing some of the real
benefits coming from merging and calculations done in MonetDB). That
said, this is the only sign of a Stata and MonetDB link I could find:

Disclaimer: I am an SQL and MonetDB newbie, but thanks for not letting
me miss the obvious.


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