(1) There's no index or key or anything on the table.
(2) The combined table is the size of table_1 + table_2. But only table_1 shows up in query

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Lefteris <lsidir@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Yue,

is there any chance that you have set uniqueness in the table specs
and thus not inserting duplicate tuples from table_1 and table_2? If
not, then I would guess that this is a bug and it needs further


On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 3:12 AM, Yue Sheng <yuesheng8@gmail.com> wrote:
> two tables: table_1 and table_2 both have exactly the same schema. table_1
> has 2.15MM rows of data, table_2 has 3.35MM row of data. No indexing
> created a new table: table_combined using same schema as table_1
> insert into table_combined select * from table_1;
> (30 minutes later)
> insert into table_combined select * from table_2;
> (40 minutes later)
> select count(*) * 1 from table_combined;
> this give ONLY 2.15MM rows with same rows as table_1
> What happened to table_2?!?
> Yes, I've check dfarm size. It equals 2*(table_1 + table_2 )
> So it's there but "just not seeing it"
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