I am having some issues with the SQL syntax in MonetDB. Is it just really picky or am I doing something that is not SQL99 compatible? Couple examples: This query works: select source_address, count(distinct destination_port) as distcount from flows group by source_address having count(distinct destination_port)>1 limit 10; The following query doesn’t work. I am just trying to use the AS keyword to make things a bit more readable. select source_address, count(distinct destination_port) as distcount from flows group by source_address having distcount>1 limit 10; SELECT: identifier 'distcount’ unknown I had numerous other issues where little things like quotes and such made a difference. For example, creating a table would not work like this: CREATE TABLE foo (range text); syntax error, unexpected RANGE, expecting FOREIGN or PRIMARY or UNIQUE in: "create table foo (range" This works: CREATE TABLE foo (“range” text); Third example: (I could never get this working - tried removing the quotes, which made things worse) sql>INSERT INTO ranges ("range", "title", "external", "description", "routeadvertised", "X", "Y", "Z", "N", "M", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" ) VALUES ('', 'IPv4', , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', 1, '1', '' ); syntax error, unexpected ',' in: "insert into ranges ("range", "title", "external", "description", "routeadvert" Is there a statement length restriction? Same happens whether I use the mclient or go through Python code. I am running version 11.19.11-20150 Thanks so much! Raffael — Visual Analytics Workshop at #BlackHat US in August: http://bit.ly/1FN1W5e Raffael Marty ceo @ pixlcloud http://pixlcloud.com @raffaelmarty http://raffy.ch