6 May
6 May
9:25 a.m.
On 05-05-2011 20:44:37 +0300, Michael Sioutis wrote:
Ok, sysctlbyname() is NOT Implemented in OpenBSD for sure. The man page I was reading and posted here was about NetBSD.. There is a bug report about this in MonetDB mail archive, and a patch which somehow got lost in the way to current revision (?). http://www.mail-archive.com/monetdb-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net/msg06075.html
So you don't need to revert any changes, apparently -lc is good for FreeBSD and NetBSD (I double checked it), but not
freebsd doesn't need it, or we would've found that during the nightly builds.
for OpenBSD. Just maybe change the title "build: allow to resolve sysctl funcs on FreeBSD/NetBSD"
I'll do.