Hello All,

Just wanted to report a bug, or at least unexpected behavior.  I am new to monetdb, and could not submit this to your bugzilla tracker.

I successfully have used MonetDB with Docker (https://www.monetdb.org/blog/docker-container-monetdb-r) and was able to create FUNCTIONs and AGGREGATEs with R (as described here: https://www.monetdb.org/content/embedded-r-monetdb).  This blog post also states:

"As a final note on usage, you can use any R package from CRAN within your function without explicitly installing it. We overloaded the library function in R to automatically install missing packages."

However, I am not able to use external R packages available from CRAN.  The session below describes both Docker commands and SQL used.  This session was run on OSX using Docker Machine.

Thank you,

bash-3.2$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES
d6b944445237        monetdb/monetdb-r-docker:latest   "/usr/bin/supervisord"   13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes>50000/tcp   monetdb-r-docker

bash-3.2$ docker exec -it monetdb-r-docker mclient db

Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Jul2015-SP4)
Database: MonetDB v11.21.19 (Jul2015-SP4), 'mapi:monetdb://d6b944445237:50000/db'
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
auto commit mode: on

# Create and use a function to show that MonetDB with basic R expressions works:

1 + 1 };
operation successful (1.254ms)

sql>SELECT test_add();
| test_add                 |
|                        2 |

# Add only the library function call to the function just shown (and give the function a new name).  The function is created successfully, but an error occurs when the function is invoked in a query:

sql>CREATE FUNCTION test_library() RETURNS DOUBLE LANGUAGE R { library("ggplot2"); 1 + 1 };
operation successful (1.378ms)

sql>SELECT test_library();  
Error running R expression. Error message: Error in .library.original(package, help, pos, lib.loc, character.only = T,  : 
  there is no package called 'ggplot2'
Calls: as.data.frame -> <Anonymous> -> library -> .library.original
