We have an environment that does not support Unix domain sockets well. We thus configured monetdbd with forward=redirect, as we note from the monetdbd man page that "for local databases, the proxy method uses a UNIX domain socket feature" We can create two database, but trying to connect (on the default 50000 port) to them only the first-started database is available. If we try to connect to the second we get the error "request for database 'dev_sb2', but this is database 'dev_sb', did you mean to connect to monetdbd instead?". With some experimentation we have found that starting the databases directly using mserver5 and specifying different ports (--set mapi_port=50001 etc) we can connect to both databases, but this does complicate things and we would prefer to use the monetdb command for starting, stopping, creating etc. How can we configure monetdbd (or perhaps individual databases?) so that we can connect to two local databases through monetdbd and manage them using monetdb? Thanks Steve