24 May
24 May
3:07 p.m.
Using the following XQuery in MonetDb (WinXP) crashes on large documents (when C1 and C2 are small it works ok):
<col> { for $b in doc("C1.xml")/collection/doc for $top in doc("C2.xml")/collection/doc where ($b/year > 1950) and ($b/title = $top/title) return <movie> {$b/year} </movie> } </col>
If I remove one of the two conditions it works perfectly, e.g.:
<col> { for $b in doc("C1.xml")/collection/doc for $top in doc("C2.xml")/collection/doc where ($b/title = $top/title) return <movie> {$b/year} </movie> } </col>
Can anyone explain this problem? ______________________________ Maarten Clements