Thanks for your attention, both uniquecatalog11 and uzone can be empty table.
uzone table is declared within the udf.
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Ying Zhang";<>;
Date: Jul 19, 2015
To: "Communication channel for MonetDB users"<>;
Subject: Re: combined conditions in user defined function made monetdb exited.
> On Jul 19, 2015, at 15:27 , integrity <> wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I tried to create an function in monetdb, but the first one successful, the second one successful, but the combo failed.
> create function neighbor19()
> returns table (ra_avg double)
> begin
> declare table uzone (id bigint, ra_avg double);
> insert into uzone select id, ra_avg from uniquecatalog11;
> return table( select ra_avg
> from uzone as u0
> where id between 10 and 20
> );
> end;
> successful.
> create function neighbor20()
> returns table (ra_avg double)
> begin
> declare table uzone (id bigint, ra_avg double);
> insert into uzone select id, ra_avg from uniquecatalog11;
> return table( select ra_avg
> from uzone as u0
> where ra_avg between 10 and 20
> );
> end;
> successful.
> create function neighbor30()
> returns table (ra_avg double)
> begin
> declare table uzone (id bigint, ra_avg double);
> insert into uzone select id, ra_avg from uniquecatalog11;
> return table( select ra_avg
> from uzone as u0
> where id between 10 and 20
> and ra_avg between 10 and 20
> );
> end;
> failed with monetdb exited.
Hai Meng,
Can you please provide the schema of uniquecatalog11 and uzone?
Does the crash also happen if these two tables are empty? Otherwise, weˇŻll need some data to reproduce the crash as well. Thanks,
> in merovingian.log:
> 2015-07-19 13:34:36 MSG merovingian[25753]: database 'gwacdb' (633) was killed by signal SIGSEGV
> I tried on default and Jul2015 branch, all the same with each other.
> Any help or hints are appreciated!
> Best,
> Meng
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