Some more details about data loss in MonetDB, I saw all that yours
have commented,
and also is aware that I am not with the latest version (update in
), but is a serious
mistake in the previous version . Have a comment that said a data
correction was made, has to do with the change or reorganization of
data, even when
it is only run queries? Will by defragmentation reasons (vacum
PostgreSQL), or index creation,
the data is changed / moved and in this case can be lost. The query
for example is
"select product from products where cod_product in
(123,12434,33434)", only the
data in this column (cod_product) were lost (went blank), and still
only clinhas related
codes on in.
The only thing out of the ordinary has happened is that the ongoing
connection was aborted,
Pentaho was killed forced, aborting the connections, but the MonetDB
service has stopped
"stop MonetDB dw", which usually stopped, when start "moentdb start
dw", rose correctly
without errors, but took a long time to rise, very much, and then
went to see the lost data.
Luciano Sasso
Data Scientist
& Solutions Architect