I have done this in an offline environment.
Using an Internet connected CentOS 7, I added the MonetDB repo.
Ensure yum-utils is installed on this machine.
Using yumdownloader, I was able to download all of the packages to a directory. Using --resolve will also download dependencies.
Moving the files to a USB stick, I then copied them to the offline machine.
On the offline machine, I then run –
yum localinstall /path/to/rpms/* --nogpg –disablerepo=*
From: users-list [mailto:users-list-bounces+
adam.doherty =esso.ca@monetdb.org ] On Behalf Of Anton Kravchenko
Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 08:42
To: Communication channel for MonetDB users <users-list@monetdb.org>
Subject: Re: Install on Linux with no access to Internet
Instead of downloading rpms and installing them one by one, I would build MonetDB from sources and copy INSTALL directory to the offline machine.
On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 7:19 AM, Anton Kravchenko <kravchenko.anton86@gmail.com> wrote:
Copy-paste from my notes that I validated myself [you probably would need to use https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/7/x86_64/ and the most recent MonetDB version].
(all monetdb releases https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/6/x86_64/ )# order matters
sudo yum remove MonetDB*
sudo yum install http://dev.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/MonetDB- release-epel-1.1-1.monetdb. noarch.rpm sudo yum install -y https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/6/x86_64/ MonetDB-stream-11.21.17- 20160324.el6.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install -y https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/6/x86_64/ MonetDB-client-11.21.17- 20160324.el6.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install -y https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/6/x86_64/ MonetDB5-server-11.21.17- 20160324.el6.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install -y https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/6/x86_64/ MonetDB-SQL-server5-11.21.17- 20160324.el6.x86_64.rpm sudo yum install -y https://www.monetdb.org/
downloads/epel/6/x86_64/ MonetDB-testing-python-11.21. 17-20160324.el6.noarch.rpm
On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 8:32 PM, ALEX OSSIPOV <alexo15@comcast.net> wrote:
I am trying to install MonetDB with client on the host without access to Internet.
Are there any instructions to follow?
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