Here: *without* mitosis +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mal | +================================================================================================+ | function user.s13_1{autoCommit=true}(A0:lng,A1:lng):void; | | X_27 := nil:bat[:oid,:lng]; | | X_39:bat[:oid,:str] := nil:bat[:oid,:str]; | | barrier X_68 := language.dataflow(); | | X_4 := sql.mvc(); | | X_8 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",0); | | X_5:bat[:oid,:oid] := sql.tid(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07"); | | X_65 := algebra.subselect(X_8,X_5,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | (X_11,r1_11) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",2); | | X_66 := algebra.subselect(r1_11,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_14 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",1); | | X_67 := algebra.subselect(X_14,X_5,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_16 := sql.subdelta(X_65,X_5,X_11,X_66,X_67); | | X_18 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",0); | | (X_20,r1_26) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",2); | | X_22 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",1); | | X_23 := sql.projectdelta(X_16,X_18,X_20,r1_26,X_22); | | (X_24,r1_34,r2_34) := group.subgroupdone(X_23); | | X_27 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(r1_34,X_23); | | X_29 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",0); | | (X_33,r1_49) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",2); | | X_36 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",1); | | X_38 := sql.projectdelta(X_16,X_29,X_33,r1_49,X_36); | | X_39:bat[:oid,:str] := batudf.subhllagg(X_38,X_24,r1_34,true); | | language.pass(X_5); | | language.pass(X_23); | | language.pass(X_16); | | language.pass(r1_34); | | exit X_68; | | X_42 := sql.resultSet(2,1,X_27); | | sql.rsColumn(X_42,"wa_sapo_pt_audience.kpi_2013_07","ts_day","bigint",64,0,X_27); | | sql.rsColumn(X_42,"wa_sapo_pt_audience.kpi_2013_07","L1","clob",1881,0,X_39); | | X_51 := io.stdout(); | | sql.exportResult(X_51,X_42); | | end s13_1; | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ *with mitosis* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mal | +=====================================================================================================================================+ | function user.s14_1{autoCommit=true}(A0:lng,A1:lng):void; | | X_18 := nil:bat[:oid,:lng]; | | X_27:bat[:oid,:str] := nil:bat[:oid,:str]; | | barrier X_157 := language.dataflow(); | | X_4 := sql.mvc(); | | X_63:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",0,0,4); | | X_56:bat[:oid,:oid] := sql.tid(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07",0,4); | | X_104 := algebra.subselect(X_63,X_56,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | (X_67:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_68:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",2,0,4); | | X_108 := algebra.subselect(X_68,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_112 := sql.subdelta(X_104,X_56,X_67,X_108); | | X_75:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",0,0,4); | | (X_79:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_80:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",2,0,4); | | X_120 := sql.projectdelta(X_112,X_75,X_79,X_80); | | (X_124,X_125,X_126) := group.subgroupdone(X_120); | | X_127 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_125,X_120); | | X_64:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",0,1,4); | | X_58:bat[:oid,:oid] := sql.tid(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07",1,4); | | X_105 := algebra.subselect(X_64,X_58,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | (X_69:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_70:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",2,1,4); | | X_109 := algebra.subselect(X_70,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_113 := sql.subdelta(X_105,X_58,X_69,X_109); | | X_76:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",0,1,4); | | (X_81:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_82:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",2,1,4); | | X_121 := sql.projectdelta(X_113,X_76,X_81,X_82); | | (X_128,X_129,X_130) := group.subgroupdone(X_121); | | X_131 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_129,X_121); | | X_65:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",0,2,4); | | X_60:bat[:oid,:oid] := sql.tid(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07",2,4); | | X_106 := algebra.subselect(X_65,X_60,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | (X_71:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_72:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",2,2,4); | | X_110 := algebra.subselect(X_72,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_114 := sql.subdelta(X_106,X_60,X_71,X_110); | | X_77:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",0,2,4); | | (X_83:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_84:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",2,2,4); | | X_122 := sql.projectdelta(X_114,X_77,X_83,X_84); | | (X_132,X_133,X_134) := group.subgroupdone(X_122); | | X_135 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_133,X_122); | | X_66:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",0,3,4); | | X_62:bat[:oid,:oid] := sql.tid(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07",3,4); | | X_107 := algebra.subselect(X_66,X_62,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | (X_73:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_74:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",2,3,4); | | X_111 := algebra.subselect(X_74,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_10 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts",1); | | X_53 := algebra.subselect(X_10,X_62,A0,A1,true,true,false); | | X_115 := sql.subdelta(X_107,X_62,X_73,X_111,X_53); | | X_78:bat[:oid,:lng] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",0,3,4); | | (X_85:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_86:bat[:oid,:lng] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",2,3,4); | | X_14 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","ts_day",1); | | X_123 := sql.projectdelta(X_115,X_78,X_85,X_86,X_14); | | (X_136,X_137,X_138) := group.subgroupdone(X_123); | | X_139 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(X_137,X_123); | | X_149 := mat.packIncrement(X_127,4); | | X_150 := mat.packIncrement(X_149,X_131); | | X_151 := mat.packIncrement(X_150,X_135); | | X_15 := mat.packIncrement(X_151,X_139); | | (X_16,r1_34,X_140) := group.subgroupdone(X_15); | | X_18 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(r1_34,X_15); | | X_89:bat[:oid,:str] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",0,0,4); | | (X_96:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_97:bat[:oid,:str] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",2,0,4); | | X_145 := sql.projectdelta(X_112,X_89,X_96,X_97); | | X_91:bat[:oid,:str] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",0,1,4); | | (X_98:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_99:bat[:oid,:str] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",2,1,4); | | X_146 := sql.projectdelta(X_113,X_91,X_98,X_99); | | X_93:bat[:oid,:str] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",0,2,4); | | (X_100:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_101:bat[:oid,:str] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",2,2,4); | | X_147 := sql.projectdelta(X_114,X_93,X_100,X_101); | | X_95:bat[:oid,:str] := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",0,3,4); | | (X_102:bat[:oid,:oid] ,X_103:bat[:oid,:str] ) := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",2,3,4); | | X_24 := sql.bind(X_4,"wa_sapo_pt_audience","kpi_2013_07","h_visitors_register",1); | | X_148 := sql.projectdelta(X_115,X_95,X_102,X_103,X_24); | | X_153 := mat.packIncrement(X_145,4); | | X_154 := mat.packIncrement(X_153,X_146); | | X_155 := mat.packIncrement(X_154,X_147); | | X_26 := mat.packIncrement(X_155,X_148); | | X_27:bat[:oid,:str] := batudf.subhllagg(X_26,X_16,r1_34,true); | | language.pass(X_56); | | language.pass(X_120); | | language.pass(X_58); | | language.pass(X_121); | | language.pass(X_60); | | language.pass(X_122); | | language.pass(X_62); | | language.pass(X_123); | | language.pass(X_15); | | language.pass(X_112); | | language.pass(X_113); | | language.pass(X_114); | | language.pass(X_115); | | language.pass(r1_34); | | exit X_157; | | X_152:bat[:oid,:lng] := nil:bat[:oid,:lng]; | | X_156:bat[:oid,:str] := nil:bat[:oid,:str]; | | X_30 := sql.resultSet(2,1,X_18); | | sql.rsColumn(X_30,"wa_sapo_pt_audience.kpi_2013_07","ts_day","bigint",64,0,X_18); | | sql.rsColumn(X_30,"wa_sapo_pt_audience.kpi_2013_07","L1","clob",1881,0,X_27); | | X_39 := io.stdout(); | | sql.exportResult(X_39,X_30); | | end s14_1; | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ On 08/14/2013 02:10 PM, Niels Nes wrote:
On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 02:04:27PM +0100, Miguel Ping wrote:
I've been tinkering a little more, if I use either the minimal_pipe, no_mitosis_pipe or the sequential_pipe optimizers the error no longer occurs. I've specified the set of optimizers to use, and it seems that the optimizer step that's problematic is the *mitosis* step.
Where can I learn more about this optimizer? Can someone shed some light? Could you send us the explain outputs of both with and without mitosis/mergetable. This may give us a hint of what goes wrong.
My guess, is that the subhllagg should probably be added (recognized).
Thanks! -- Miguel
On 08/13/2013 03:59 PM, Miguel Ping wrote:
I'm trying to come up with a small sample, but it is hard.
- I currently have a small dataset (~600 rows) which gives me the error. - BUT if I export that data onto a *new* table, the error doesn't happen. This makes it hard to provide a proper sample.
Running explain on the same query for these two tables, the plan is different: the error plan seems to use the new subgroup feature for aggregates which was released in a recent MonetDB version (11.15.x?) .
* Does monetdb keep some sort of internal table statistics that feed the MAL planner? * Can I force the query to use the 'old' aggregate function? * Can you guys point me to the part where the group BAT is calculated? my guess is that the group ids are not being calculated correctly, hence the difference between g->U->count and b->U->count. I'm guessing the culprit is around here:
... | (X_16,r1_34,X_140) := group.subgroupdone(X_15); | X_18 := algebra.leftfetchjoin(r1_34,X_15); ... | X_27:bat[:oid,:str] := batudf.subhllagg(X_26,X_16,r1_34,true); #r1_r4 should be the bat* gid
I have tried the same dataset with MonetDB 11.13.7 (which had the 'old' aggregate definition) and the query works as expected. I don't want to do a downgrade since I don't even know if the data files are compatible.
Thanks, Miguel
On 08/13/2013 11:35 AM, Martin Kersten wrote:
If it is hitting before your code, then please provide the smallest (SQL) test case to reproduce it locally.
Thanks, Martin
On 8/13/13 11:27 AM, Miguel Ping wrote:
The query calls a custom aggregate function, but the error occurs before hitting my code; the code path just starts to prepare things (it's just the boilerplate to run a custom aggr function), and it hits the error while calling BATgroupaggrinit. In fact, BATgroupaggrinit is the very first thing that the BAThllaggr function calls; Also according to Sjoerd, it's a bug:
"If this happens when running a SQL query, it's a bug. I don't think NULLs have anything to do with it. NULL values are stored in-line. You might want to look at b->U->count, g->U->count, b->H->seq, g->H->seq, b->H->dense, g->H->dense when the misalignment happens (either in the debugger or by using printf--but realize that count and seq are not int, so %d is not going to work). Also things like the MAL plan (prepend SQL query with EXPLAIN) and the stack trace might be useful."
On 08/13/2013 08:51 AM, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Dear Miguel,
I am not aware of any "hllaggr()" function in the MonetDB release, so I assume the error occurs in your code. Not know your code at all, I'm afraid we cannot be of much help.
Best, Stefan
On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 06:59:33PM +0100, Miguel Ping wrote: > Some more info: >> SELECT count(*) FROM wa_sapo_pt_audience.kpi_2013_07 WHERE > ts>=1373410800000 AND ts<=1374706799000; > ==> 764314 > >> SELECT count(distinct(ts_day)) FROM > wa_sapo_pt_audience.kpi_2013_07 WHERE ts>=1373410800000 AND > ts<=1374706799000; > ==> 15 > > it seems that b.count is the row count, while g.count is something > like the distinct count, with 2 more values? > > On 08/12/2013 05:50 PM, Miguel Ping wrote: >> Hi, I'm resurrecting this since I've been out of town and only >> today I got a chance to investigate further. I've recompiled with >> -O0 to prevent optimizations from "hiding" the values, and in the >> debugger I got this: >> >> b->U->count BUN 764314 >> g->U->count BUN 17 >> b->H->seq oid 0 >> g->H->seq oid 0 >> b->H->dense unsigned int 1 >> g->H->dense unsigned int 1 >> >> >> The stack call is as follows: >> >> BAThllaggr() at udf.c >> AGGRsubhllaggcand() at udf.c >> AGGRsubhllagg() at udf.c >> malCommandCall() at mal_interpreter.c >> runMALsequence() at mal_interpreter.c >> DFLOWworker() at mal_dataflow.c >> start_thread() at pthread_create.c >> clone() at clone.S >> 0x0 >> >> -------- Original Message -------- >> Subject: Re: b and g must be aligned >> Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:34:53 +0100 >> From: Sjoerd Mullender
>> Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users >> >> To: Communication channel for MonetDB users >> >> >> >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- >> Hash: SHA1 >> >> On 2013-07-26 12:23, Miguel Ping wrote: >>> On 07/25/2013 01:51 PM, Sjoerd Mullender wrote: On 2013-07-25 >>> 14:04, Miguel Ping wrote: >>>>>> Hi all, >>>>>> >>>>>> We're hitting this error "b and g must be aligned". I tracked >>>>>> the src to a commit about some alignment code thing in >>>>>> gdk_calc: >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >> (Fix alignment conversion in compatibility code for grouped >>>>>> aggregates.) >>>>>> >>>>>> Can you guys please explain what's the reason behind this >>>>>> error? I can't understand by just looking to the src of >>>>>> gdk_calc.c >>>>>> >>>>>> Thanks! >>> When using grouped aggregates, the grouping bat must be aligned >>> with the value bat. The value bat is b and contains the values you >>> want to aggregate. The group bat is g and contains for each value >>> in b the group (an oid) it belongs to. Equal group ids means the >>> same group. These bats must be aligned, because we need to know for >>> each value in b to which group it belongs. Aligned means: same >>> length, and same head column values. The head columns must be >>> dense (a sequence of numbers starting at some value, and each next >>> value exactly one larger than the previous). Dense sequences are >>> usually not stored explicitly in MonetDB. We only store the first >>> value in the hseqbase field. So the hseqbase fields of b and g >>> must be equal. The one exception to this is when the bats are both >>> empty. This last exception is the change to gdk_calc.c in that >>> changeset. >>> >>> -- Sjoerd Mullender >>>> _______________________________________________ users-list >>>> mailing >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> Thanks for your explanation. I still don't understand how can >>> there be a misalignment. I would expect MonetDB to feed my hll >>> aggregate functions with the correct values. Can it be that I may >>> have some NULL values and the validation is failing because of >>> that? >> If this happens when running a SQL query, it's a bug. >> I don't think NULLs have anything to do with it. NULL values are >> stored in-line. >> You might want to look at b->U->count, g->U->count, b->H->seq, >> g->H->seq, b->H->dense, g->H->dense when the misalignment happens >> (either in the debugger or by using printf--but realize that count and >> seq are not int, so %d is not going to work). >> Also things like the MAL plan (prepend SQL query with EXPLAIN) and the >> stack trace might be useful. >> >> - -- Sjoerd Mullender >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- >> Version: GnuPG v1.4.13 (GNU/Linux) >> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - >> >> iQCVAwUBUfJQyT7g04AjvIQpAQK/JAP9HCp/aFaYWv0jodfPUnSRVgFSsdjTn/VL >> ttSsmAF+yomGMDIne2311f/D51F3/nte7Utx+01lgvArapWErhjGN1hzPSr5LQbs >> PZ6dUfNcH8Rt2AtT3uSxfkFZy9VRDCNNXPei43IgMS2HxVZ48pnAVkNcpBbW3Gms >> GwdvU7bSZtM= >> =2zSg >> -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- >> _______________________________________________ >> users-list mailing list >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > _______________________________________________ > users-list mailing list > >
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