Hello, I finally get to reproduce a table conflict bug still present in the 2014 version of OCT SP1 I run these commands simultaneously in two terminals : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- terminal 1 : $ msqldump --database=lemonde --table=test_integrite_tra > backup_test_integrite_tra.sql terminal 2 : $ mclient lemonde --statement="SELECT count(*) FROM test_integrite_tra" +----------+ | L1 | +==========+ | 19681703 | +----------+ $ mclient lemonde --statement="DROP TABLE test_integrite_tra" operation successful $ mclient lemonde --statement="CREATE TABLE test_integrite_tra AS SELECT id_unique,device,nbvisistes FROM sys.visiteurs_device_2 WITH NO DATA" operation successful ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I count the number of table test_integrite_tra sql>SELECT count(*) FROM SYS.TABLES WHERE name='test_integrite_tra'; +------+ | L1 | +======+ | 1 | +------+ And I restart monetdb : # service monetdb5-sql stop ; sleep 30 ; service monetdb5-sql start Stopping MonetDB SQL server: monetdbd. Starting MonetDB SQL server: monetdbd. I count the number of table test_integrite_tra sql>SELECT count(*) FROM SYS.TABLES WHERE name='test_integrite_tra'; +------+ | L1 | +======+ | 2 | +------+ Pierre -- 1G6 52 route de bischwiller 67300 Schiltigheim Société de Services et de Formations en Logiciels Libres http://1g6.biz Tél : 06 64 63 70 35