I would do something like this: ps -ef | grep mserver5
dude 27387 27358 0 17:46 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/mserver5 --set gdk_d... sudo gdb $(which mserver5) 27387
(gdb) b binaryCopy
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7f71ef7b4000: file svom.c,...
(gdb) continue
i defined a user defined function "binarycopy",when i use my function, there is error: sql>select binarycopy('starid','1111',1); TypeException:user.s1_1[5]:'svom.binarycopy' undefined in: _9:any := svom.binarycopy(_6:str, _7:str, _8:int) program contains errors
i want to debug the error with mal, there also some error:
[svomhpc@localhost /home/data1]$>mclient -l mal -u monetdb -d mydb4 password: Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB interactive terminal (unreleased) Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands mal> mal> mal>function test(i:int):str; mal>io.print(i); mal>i:=i*2; mal>b:=bat.new(:int,:int); mal>bat.insert(b,1,i); mal>io.print(b); mal>return test:= "ok"; mal>end test; MAPI = (monetdb) /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000 QUERY = end test; ERROR = !TypeException:user.test[3]:'bat.new' undefined in: b:any := bat.new(_5:int, _6:int) !TypeException:user.test[4]:'bat.insert' undefined in: _7:any := bat.insert(b:any, _8:int, i:int) mal>
could anyone tell me how to debug my function ,please?