Dear MonetDB users, We are trying to add load the INEX XML Wikipedia data into MonetDB but we get some strange error messages: When adding documents: $ echo 'pf:add-doc("/data/erikt/inex2009/tmp/330.xml", "330")' | /storage/erikt/MonetDB/bin/mclient -lxquery MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = pf:add-doc("/data/erikt/inex2009/tmp/330.xml", "330") ERROR = !ERROR: interpret_params: insert(param 3): invalid BAT. When querying the data: $ echo -e 'let $c := collection("330")\nfor $t in $c//article\nreturn($t//title/text())' | /storage/erikt/MonetDB/bin/mclient -lxquery ... text {"The Black Stallion (film)"}, text {"Halle, Germany"}, text {"FLCL"}, write error We get only 5% of the data that was expected from the query and then it crashes with the message "write error". Does anyone know what could cause these problems? Please respond to me personally ( since I am not a member of this mailing list. Erik TKS -------- e-mail: WWW: