Hello, Could you please explain why predicates with subqueries in UDFs do not work? For example, I have the following statements: create table itab (x int, y int); insert into itab values (1, 0); insert into itab values (2, 1); create function test1(n int) returns int begin while (n > 9) do set n = n -1; end while; return n; end; create function test2(n int) returns int begin while (n > (select 9 from itab) ) do set n = n -1; end while; return n; end; create function test3(n int) returns int begin while (exists (select x from itab where x < n)) do set n = n -1; end while; return n; end; The function test1 can be successfully created and executed, but functions test2 and test3 cannot be created and executed. Thank you and best regards, Oksana