I also tried a work-around like the following:
create table tmp_my_table like my_table;
-- this works
delete from tmp_my_table;
copy into tmp_my_table from 'file1';
insert into my_table select * from tmp_my_table;
-- this fails
delete from tmp_my_table;
copy into tmp_my_table from 'file2';
insert into my_table select * from tmp_my_table;
with error:
!MALException:mkey.bulk_rotate_xor_hash:command failed
!ERROR: CMDbulk_rotate_xor_hash:
(tmp_20414,4,tmp_20377): not synced on head.
--- Colin Foss
Perhaps I do not understand the documentation but I assumed you could run COPY into multiple times on a single table.
I am able to run COPY INTO <table> once on an empty table. If I run COPY INTO <table> again on a non-empty table I receive the error (!MALException:batmtime.EQ:Unexpected input type). I can choose any single input file and it will load properly into an empty table.
I did try combining all of my input files and running that way but after 36 hours I killed the load.
--- Niels Nes
wrote: On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 09:32:24AM -0700, Colin Foss wrote:
This is strange. Using MonetDB4 this script ran without error, in MonetDB5 I get this error:
QUERY = copy INTO my_big_table FROM 'E:/data/migrate/big_table_input-ab.tab' ERROR = !MALException:batmtime.EQ:Unexpected input type
sounds like a bug. Which version of M5/sql are you using? The fact that it runs fine on M4 and in 2 runs indicates that it maybe related too one of the m5 optimizers. These can be controlled using the optimizer session variable. See
for more information.
always on the second input file.
Here is my script: ------------------------------------- set SCHEMA myschema; declare fname varchar(100); delete from my_big_table;
-- this one is good set fname='big_table_input-aa.tab'; select fname as phase; COPY into my_big_table from 'E:/data/migrate/big_table_input-aa.tab' using delimiters '\t','\n';
-- this one will error set fname='big_table_input-ab.tab'; select fname as phase; COPY into my_big_table from 'E:/data/migrate/big_table_input-ab.tab' using delimiters '\t','\n';
select 'total amount' as phase; select count(*) from my_big_table; -------------------------------------
Yet, if I run the files one at a time, the will
load without error.
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Niels Nes, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands room C0.02, phone ++31 20 592-4098, fax ++31 20 592-4312 url: http://www.cwi.nl/~niels e-mail: Niels.Nes@cwi.nl
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