monetdb --version MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.0 (Oct2012-SP1)
I've implemented the third function; monetdb now complains about incompatible types, I'm guessing that it has to do with the src internals, specifically this:
err = "incompatible values in group";
I'm guessing that the "real" work of the aggregate fns is inside the loop, is there any docs on the src api? I'm having trouble with this specific part: (...) if (offset == 0) n = snprintf(buf, size, "%s", t); else if (buf[0] != *t) { err = "incompatible values in group"; //<<<<<< this err? goto bunins_failed; } else if (buf[0] == 'A') n = snprintf(buf + offset, size - offset, " %s", t + 1); else if (buf[0] == 'C') n = snprintf(buf + offset, size - offset, "%s", t + 1); else { err = "can only group attributes and element content"; goto bunins_failed; } (...) On 11/29/2012 03:51 PM, Niels Nes wrote:
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 02:13:46PM +0000, Miguel Ping wrote:
I'm having the same problem, for an aggregate function: On which version of monetdb?
TypeException:user.s1_1[38]:'batudf.hllagg' undefined in: _51:bat[:any,:str] := batudf.hllagg(_48:bat[:oid,:str], _22:bat[:oid,:oid], _23:bat[:oid,:oid])
Heres the defs, taken from xml example:
/* ******** */ module batudf;
command hllagg(val:bat[:oid,:str],grp:bat[:oid,:oid]):bat[:oid,:str] The sql interface needs the 3 argument version (as can be seen from the error) So you need to implement the 3 argument version, ie val, grp and extend.
address BATHLLagg comment "Aggregate the HLL values over groups specified.";
command hllagg(val:bat[:oid,:str]):str address BATHLLgroup comment "Aggregate the HLL values over groups specified."; /* ******** */
I can't seem to spot where's the error. I have some doubts though:
- the examples have a 'udf' module and a 'batudf' module. I'm guessing its impls for scalar and BATs. Aggregate functions don't need scalar impls right? - how does the .mal types map to sql types? it seems that I'm returning a CLOB, but I can't spot where the return type is being defined. There's some sort of automatic typecasting going on? - I mostly copied the xml agg and group C impls, and am trying to understand them. It seems there's alot of macros and fn calls to prepare data for reading, but the actual work impl is quite small. I don't understand these lines though:
if (buf[0] == 'A') n = snprintf(buf + offset, size - offset, " %s", t + 1); (...) this makes sense for a general group function? It seems that it has to do with xml types in particular..
Thanks again, Miguel
On 11/29/2012 01:52 PM, Niels Nes wrote:
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 04:20:09PM +0530, swapnil joshi wrote:
i am trying to define user define function which has argument integer bat and returning integer.
step 1:
i have added function defination in udf_80.sql as follow
create function xtest(one integer) returns integer external name udf.xtest;
step 2: i have added function defination in udf.mal
module udf; Scalar function requires single value argument. ie not command xtest(b:bat[:oid,:int]):int but command xtest(b:int):int
address UDFBATxtest comment "function xtest"; module batudf; command xtest(b:bat[:oid,:int]):int address UDFBATxtest comment "function xtest";
step 3: then i have define this function in udf.c file UDFBATxtest_(int *ret, BAT *src) {
return MAL_SUCCEED; }
str UDFBATxtest(int *ires, bat *ione) { BAT *bone = NULL; str msg = NULL; /* assert calling sanity */ assert(ione != NULL);
/* bat-id -> BAT-descriptor */ if ((bone = BATdescriptor(*ione)) == NULL) throw(MAL, "batudf.xtest", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
/* do the work */ msg = UDFBATxtest_ ( ires, bone);
return msg; }
step 4: then i have compiled source code and installed it:
step 5: i am try to execute xtest function on mclient but i got following error sql>select xtest(id) from student; TypeException:user.s23_1[16]:'udf.xtest' undefined in: _53:any := udf.xtest(_51:int) TypeException:user.s23_1[17]:'bat.insert' undefined in: _54:any := bat.insert(_45:bat[:oid,:int], _50:oid, _53:any) program contains errors
step 6: write a mail and sent to you for getting help i hope you will give me.
-- Regards, Swapnil K. Joshi
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