Hello, I've been having an issue with MonetDB/XQuery using the JDBC driver. Essentially, when I supply an *XPath* query such as the following: pf:collection("collection_name")//stations[date/year>=2010] ... using the mclient utility, there's no problem. The result is an <XQueryResult> root node containing all the relevant 'stations' nodes as requested by the query. However, if I issue the same query to the server from a Java application using the JDBC driver for MonetDB, the string result that is returned merely contains one 'stations' node (the first one that gets processed, I think). My guess is that the resultset (of 'stations' nodes) is not being wrapped in a root node, as is the case when querying using the mclient utility. But I'm unsure if this due to a bug, or if there's something that I'm not doing correctly. I'm also aware that this issue can be resolved by modifying the query (when using JDBC) to something such as: <result> { pf:collection("collection_name")//stations[date/year>=2010] } </result> ... but I have reasons for not wanting to do this. Any help is much appreciated. If anyone needs more information, just let me know (and if it makes any difference, I'm running a local server instance). Cheers, -Rob