I am having problem enabling embedded python in latest realease, MonetDB 5 server v11.35.9 (Nov2019-SP1) My 64bit Fedora environment has multiple versions of both python 2 and 3 wih 32 and 64 bit libs. MonetDB was installed following https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/Fedora/ with additional SELinux. I tried random_integers function from documentation with both embedpy=true and embedpy3=true separately but getting the same type of error: SQL Error [22000]: TypeException:user.s10_0[9]:'pyapi3.eval' undefined in: X_10:bat[:int] := pyapi3.eval(0x559cb0440270:ptr, "{ \n return numpy.random.randint(low, high, size=(amount,))\n}\n;":str, X_7:int, X_8:int, X_9:int); Both py2 and py3 versions work fine on my computer. How do I properly point to a specific python version to be used by MonetDB? Are there any specific env variables that should be set prior to installation/db creation? I tried to define PYTHONPATH but it did not help. Aside question: Can additional modules be imported in function body for PYTHON type functions or does it only work with numpy? Thanks Alex