Thanks Martin, Apparently the BATs stayed large because my server had crashed. I again tried to load a file into my server and it crashed again. The reason is probably that I am on a 32 bit machine (osx laptop) and I was trying to insert a file slightly over 5 gigs. One of the problems was that I wasn't getting any messages, I couldn't tell if the file was even being inserted. Initially I tried loading my file using the following syntax: ./MapiClient -l sql -d demo -u monetdb -P monetdb -s "copy into sys.dash5 from 'data/dump.final' using delimiters '|'" This command just seems to hang there. I then logged in using mjclient and just issued the command inside the quotes: "copy into ... using deli..." This ran for a while then I received the following message: Error: End of stream reached (Mserver still alive?) When I checked my server, it had crashed, with the following message: ./mserver5 # MonetDB Server v5.0.0_beta2_1 # Copyright (c) 1993-2007 CWI, all rights reserved # Compiled for i686-apple-darwin8.8.1/32bit with 32bit OIDs dynamically linked # dbname:demo # Visit http://monetdb.cwi.nl/ for further information #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! #(see /Users/me/MonetDB/etc/monetdb5.conf)
include sql; ##GDKvmtrim(4294967295) MT_mmap_trim(4095 MB): rss = 0 MB ##GDKvmtrim(4294967295) MT_mmap_trim(4095 MB): rss = 0 MB ##GDKvmtrim(4294967295) MT_mmap_trim(4095 MB): rss = 0 MB gdk_utils.mx:1149: failed assertion `(oldsize & 2) == 0' Abort trap
Part of the problem is that I don't really see any messages saying what the server is doing. I try to follow the change in disk size (df -kh) but I saw that number decreasing very slowly and by very small amount.