Fabian Groffen wrote:
On 19-12-2007 11:18:06 -0800, sateesh wrote:
HI All,
I am wondering whether any effort is made to build a frontend which accepts SPARQL Queries and convers them into MIL for the Monet Back-end ?? MIL is deprecated. http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/MonetDB/index.html
Or how difficult to use MIL Directly in a Programming language like Java?? (Which is basically developing the front-end)
If such front-end accepts either SQL or XQuery etc then it has to be a Query Parser and Optimizer . How ever if it uses MIL Directly then i guess we don't need a Query Parser and Optimizer..!!
JDBC can send MAL (or MIL) queries, but you have to enable this manually using the language=mal URL argument. Also when you do, it is your job to make sure no protocol violations occur. The latter is not always trivial, but shouldn't be so hard either. Because this route really requires some in-depth knowledge of the Mapi protocol and MAL language, JDBC doesn't offer it as a supported language.
Any comments or info reg SPARQL Related front-ends will be of great help
I have been told there are movements on this front to make an SPARQL implementation, but those are not planned for the (very) short term. A project to implement SPARQL on top of the M5/SQL engine starts in januari 2008. Depending on the progress, we expect that results become available in the development branch summer of 2008.
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