Hi, I'm trying to run a benchmark using the latest February stable (on an Ubuntu 7.04 - Feisty Fawn), and want to cleanup the database entirely between two single runs. Basically, my benchmark script is as follows: //////////////////// START CODE // kill all processes and remove databases) // (I know this is not the intended way, but using // > monetdb stop test // > monetdb destroy -f test // while not restarting merovingian basically results in // in the same error)
killall -9 merovingian killall -9 mserver5 killall -9 mclient rm -Rf /usr/local/src/MonetDB/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm/*
// start the merovingian server
merovingian sleep 2
// wait until ports 50000 and 50001 are free, // as they might still be blocked (I inserted this piece // of code because I thought busy port allocation might // be the cause of failure)
[code works fine (ommited)]
// create and start the database
monetdb create test; sleep 2; monetdb start test; sleep 2;
// load the document into the database (this part tends to fail)
mclient -lsql -dtest < document.sql //////////////////// END CODE
The strange thing is that every second run fails due to a "Connection terminated" error when loading the document, i.e. mserver5 crashes away. Did anyone experience similar problems? Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks in advance, Michael