Hi Menno, Thanks for considering MonetDB. The php_monetdb module can speak all languages that are supported by mapi: mil, mal, sql and xquery. I never used PEAR, but always used the monetdb_xxx functions directly. The monetdb_connect() function accepts a language to use, which can be one of the few mentioned above. Unfortunately the documentation as on the web is outdated in this respect. From the example monetdb_query_demo.php http://monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/monetdb/MonetDB/src/mapi/clients/php/Cimpl/examples/monetdb_query_demo.php?revision=1.5&view=markup it shows that the language has to be given as first argument to the monetdb_connect() function. As from the function documenation: proto resource monetdb_connect([string language [, string host [, string port [, string username [, string port [, string database [, int connect_type]]]]]]]) I hope this helps/clears up a bit. Feel free to ask. On 22-11-2006 11:56:40 +0100, Menno Holtkamp wrote:
Dear MonetDB Team, We are currently checking the MonetDB/XQuery distribution for use in several governmental and research projects. We have succesfully installed the MonetDB/XQuery server and are able to perform some example queries by loading some .xq files with the MapiClient. By using the php_monetdb.dll which came along with the MonetDB/SQL server, we were able to perform some SQL queries on that database. But now we want to perform MIL queries on the MonetDB/XQuery server. I assume the used/ripped MAPI dll (version 1.0) does not support the MIL language, in essence, I am not able to configure the php.ini to accept: monetdb.default_language = mil On the website, the only thing mentioned about a windows installation of the MAPI for PHP is (http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/APIs/PEARDB/index.html): For windows setups the story is a little bit more complex. TODO Can you explain how to install / acquire the proper dynamically loadable php module php_monetdb.dll which supports MIL and with which we can query our XML data? With kind regards, Menno Holtkamp