Hi Hans, On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:44:33AM +0100, Hans van Rijswijk (DT) wrote:
Dear MonetDB users,
Our install procedure for MonetDB currently consists of unpacking MonetDB-Aug2008-SuperBall.tar.bz2 and running the monetdb-install.sh script. This takes a long time to complete.
Well, it compiles from the sources, and MonetDB is not a tiny project ... ;-)
We would like to get or create a binary distribution for a Linux system (Ubuntu 8.04 / Fedora).
What about "simply" using the available binary Linux distributions (Fedora RPMs & Ubuntu PKGs) available from/via http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Download/ ???
For this, we like to know the following: - Is the Monet binary dependent on the system where it is built?
Well, yes: E.g., an x86 binary cannot run on a SPARC machine; a 64-bit binary cannot run on a 32-bit machine; MonetDB dynamically links/loads shared system libraries, on the install machine they need to be compatible with those on the build machine; etc.
- Can we pack the generated binaries and install them on a different Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) computer?
If the shared libraries and used/expected PATHs are compatible: yes; however, in most cases this does not work that easily...
- Can we even install this binary in a different directory?
I f you adapt the PATHs in MonetDB.conf (resp. monetdb5.conf) and all monetdb*.config files this *might* work, but in general we would not call MonetDB "relocatable" and do not support such feature.
- What external dependencies are used?
Shared standard systems libraries; shared libraries of extension packages checked for by configure; a.o., readline, xml2, pcre, etc.
- Which paths are used and which paths settings are assumed in the binary?
Various; see the above metioned files for details.
In other words: what is necessary for a copied distribution to work correcly on a different computer and/or a different directory as for which it was built.
I would stronly recomment to not simply "copy" a binary installation "by hand", but rather use one of the packaged binary installations available from/via http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Download/ . In case you prefer to copy by hand, I would not "promise" that anything else but "compatible" machine (HW & SW) and identical location & directory structure would work (easily).
Thanks in advance for your explanatory answer.
Regards, Hans van Rijswijk Netherlands Forensic Institute Tel: 070-8886638
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |