Hi all, I'm using MonetDB for the analysis for ~90GB of data which come from a MySQL-based web-application. The data is dumped into CSV-files on a regular basis and then imported into MonetDB with the COPY command. I have experienced some strange behaviour: obviously, MonetDB counts the number of chars for a VARCHAR-field before removing backslashes which are used e.g. for escaping newlines or other backslashes and rejects strings that should actually fit. A simple reproduction is this: 1. In mclient: CREATE TABLE t (x VARCHAR(1)); 2. Create a textfile foo.txt containing two backslashes: \\ 3. In mclient: sql>copy into t from '/tmp/foo.txt'; SQLException:importTable:value '\\' from line 1 field 1 not inserted, expecting type varchar(1) failed to import table Performing exactly the same steps with a VARCHAR(2) column works without errors and results in t.x containg the de-escaped single backslash. I'm using the Oct-2010 release. My current workaround is to enlarge VARCHARs which caused problems in the past, but this is of course no guarantee that it won't happen again. Although I found a few monetdb-bugs entries concerning the COPY command (e.g. about the misleading error message seen above), none seems to deal with my problem. Is this a bug? Best regards, Daniel