Hi, I'm confused about the single-user mode (working with latest Dec2016 from hg). *Question/suggestion 1* 'mserver5 --single-user' can also be set with 'monetdb set singleuser=yes'. However, 'monetdb get all' doesn't show 'singleuser' as one of the options, I had to guess it myself. It would be nice if monetdb could show an actual list of available options, instead a manually compiled one. *Question 2* is 'mserver5 --single-user' expected to put the database in a locked state, equivalent to 'monetdb lock' ? If the answer is yes, then it doesn't do it consistently: - it does allow to use COPY INTO.... LOCKED (from which you would think the database is locked) but: - it doesn't show the status of the database as locked - it indeed allows new client connections Could you clarify how 'single-user' and 'locked' relate? *Question 3 *(long-ish) I am pushing, via JDBC, the entire English DBpedia via COPY INTO (without 'LOCKED'), into a dbfarm on local SSD. It is about 200GB raw data and it takes ~9 hours. Data goes through a pipeline of light pre-processing (feeding thread) and then inserted into the stream of COPY INTO (output thread). What I observe is that, at the beginning, the feeding thread is mush active, and the output thread very little. After a couple of hours, the output thread is mostly active, and the feeding thread mostly idle. I told myself that MonetDB is taking more and more time to flush appends to disk. That's where I though using 'COPY INTO .. LOCKED' would help. Not only it didn't help, but it got the symptoms worse. The output thread is almost 100% active, and the feeding thread almost 100% idle. Indeed, it is already running for 12h and still going on. Was I wrong to expect that 'LOCKED' would help? Thanks, Roberto