I'm trying to run two MonetDB databases simoultaneously in Windows. I named the two databases mydb and mydb2. I changed the database name in M5server.bat to mydb, and added -database=mydb to mclient.bat Then I copied the M5server.bat file and changed the farm to mydb2. I also copied the mclient.bat file and added -database=mydb2. I run the two server bats to start the two databases and that seems to work fine (no errors). Then I run the first mclient.bat and it connects to the server with no issues. But when I run the copied mclient.bat and try to connect using user/password monetdb/monetdb, I get the following error and cannot connect: request for database 'mydb2', but this is database 'mydb', did you mean to connect to monetdbd instead? How to run two databases simoultaneously in Windows? How to connect to two databases at the same time?