Hi all - Sorry for the multiple posts. Earlier in the fall I downloaded monetdb Jul2015 version on my MAC and could successfully load a file with 60M rows, 37 columns of mixed int/real/text/boolean data. Later I updated to the Jul2015-SP1 pack and was unable to load this same file. After trying to debug, I removed monetdb, reinstalled Jul2015-SP1, still had the problem. Then un-installed, reinstalled the Jul2015 version and it worked again. So the problem appears to be with the Jul2015-SP1 version. Details: After creating a schema, I load a .sql file that creates this table: sql>\d annosites CREATE TABLE "testjeff"."annosites" ( "chr" INTEGER, "pos" INTEGER, "hapmap31_total_depth" INTEGER, "hapmap31_num_taxa" SMALLINT, "hapmap31_num_alleles" SMALLINT, "hapmap31_minor_allele_avg_depth" REAL, "hapmap31_minor_allele_avg_phred" REAL, "hapmap31_num_hets" SMALLINT, "hapmap31_ed_factor" REAL, "hapmap31_seg_test_p_value" REAL, "hapmap31_ibd_one_allele" BOOLEAN, "hapmap31_in_local_ld" BOOLEAN, "hapmap31_maf" REAL, "hapmap31_near_indel" BOOLEAN, "hapmap31_first_alt_allele_is_ins_or_del" BOOLEAN, "snpeff40e_effect_hapmap31" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT, "snpeff40e_effectimpact_hapmap31" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT, "snpeff40e_functionalclass_hapmap31" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT, "gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL, "gerp_score" REAL, "gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN, "mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL, "mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL, "mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN, "mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL, "mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL, "mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN, "within_gene" BOOLEAN, "within_transcript" BOOLEAN, "within_exon" BOOLEAN, "within_cds" BOOLEAN, "within_cds_from_gff3" BOOLEAN, "within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN, "within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN, "codon_position" SMALLINT, "go_term_accession" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT, "go_term_name" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT ); sql> Then I use a COPY INTO command (sometimes specifying number of records, sometimes not) to load my data file containing 60M lines: (this is the command when it WORKS on the Jul2015 load): sql>COPY INTO annoSites FROM '/Users/lcj34/notes_files/machineLearningDB/annoDB_related/siteAnnoNoHdrsCol35Fixed_20151011.txt' USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n'; 60362853 affected rows (3m 5s) sql> When running with the Jul2015-SP1 installed on the MAC (OS 10.9.5) . the COPY INTO command dies (i.e., I get back an sql prompt with no message). The merovingian.log from the MAC shows this: 2015-11-23 13:08:21 MSG test1[1531]: # MonetDB/SQL module loaded 2015-11-23 13:08:21 MSG merovingian[1528]: proxying client for database 'test1' to mapi:monetdb:///users/lcj34/development/mydbfarm/test1/.mapi.sock?database=test1 2015-11-23 13:08:21 MSG merovingian[1528]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying 2015-11-23 13:08:21 MSG merovingian[1528]: proxying client for database 'test1' to mapi:monetdb:///users/lcj34/development/mydbfarm/test1/.mapi.sock?database=test1 2015-11-23 13:08:21 MSG merovingian[1528]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying 2015-11-23 13:13:01 ERR test1[1531]: mserver5(1531,0x38967f000) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fc17393b208: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed. 2015-11-23 13:13:01 ERR test1[1531]: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug 2015-11-23 13:13:03 MSG merovingian[1528]: database 'test1' (1531) was killed by signal SIGABRT My MAC is just a test bed, our real server is RedHat Release which I am trying to get setup with monetdb. On this machine I loaded the Jul2015-sp1 for REdHat/CentOS following these instructions: http://rogerhosto.com/installing-monetdb-on-centosredhat/ The errors are a bit different. On Redhat, the command also aborts, sometimes with no message, sometimes with the message below. I show running both with and without specifying the number of records as the error message is slightly different. (Note on the MAC I did not receive a command line message): sql>COPY 61000000 records INTO annosites FROM '/home/lcj34/monetdbFiles/sites10000Jeff.txt' USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n'; Failed to import table Leftover data 'component of nuclear inner membrane;molecular_function;biological_process;endoplasmic reticulum' sql> sql>COPY INTO annosites FROM '/home/lcj34/monetdbFiles/sites10000Jeff.txt' USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n'; Failed to import table Leftover data 'binding' sql> There are multiple days/attempts (yesterday and today). The last attempt to COPY the file has these messages: 2015-11-24 12:39:45 MSG merovingian[15627]: proxying client (local) for database 'jeffTest' to mapi:monetdb:///opt/dbfarm/jeffTest/.mapi.sock?database=jeffTest 2015-11-24 12:39:45 MSG merovingian[15627]: target connection is on local UNIX domain socket, passing on filedescriptor instead of proxying 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: *** Error in `/usr/bin/mserver5': free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00007f5b44004ac0 *** 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: ======= Backtrace: ========= 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: /lib64/libc.so.6(+0x7d1fd)[0x7f5b628101fd] 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: /lib64/libbat.so.12(GDKfree+0x13)[0x7f5b64f6f093]2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: /lib64/libmonetdb5.so.19(+0x135e11)[0x7f5b655e1e11] 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: /lib64/libmonetdb5.so.19(+0x136534)[0x7f5b655e2534]2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x7df5)[0x7f5b62b5bdf5] 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d)[0x7f5b628891ad]2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: ======= Memory map: ======== 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: 00400000-00405000 r-xp 00000000 fd:01 1076941767 /usr/bin/mserver5 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: 00604000-00605000 r--p 00004000 fd:01 1076941767 /usr/bin/mserver5 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: 00605000-00606000 rw-p 00005000 fd:01 1076941767 /usr/bin/mserver5 2015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: 00606000-00608000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 02015-11-24 12:43:38 ERR jeffTest[15693]: 012af000-02860000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap] I can forward a log file if requested. I'm thinking perhaps there is some problem in the file with a floating point/real number? Though importing this file works with the Jul2015 release. Were there changes related to this in the service pack? Final question: We need to be testing on the RedHat machine. Is the Jul2015 EPEL for Redhat/CentOS still available? Thanks - Lynn