I have searched entire archive, and this question have been asked many times i.e. to get the space back from monetdb after deleting some rows in monetdb. The answer I found was not consistent one of them was COPY SELECT * FROM <table> INTO <file>; DELETE FROM <table>; COPY INTO <table> FROM <file>; Which suggest that deleting rows (or cleaning??) table will get back the space. One was from this question http://mail.monetdb.org/pipermail/users-list/2011-July/005036.html 1) copy all table contents to another table, drop old table, copy again I have tried both deleting rows and then droping the table but the result was inconsistant. May be monetdb cleans up after some interval Other Related Questions were 1. http://mail.monetdb.org/pipermail/users-list/2010-March/003952.html 2. FEB 23, 2010 Reeves, Matthew J. wrote:
* Hello,*>* *>* I have a MonetDB database that contains a table of rolling events.*>* There are 200 million records with 500,000 bulk loaded each day with the*>* oldest 500,000 deleted at midnight. I'm finding the database gets slower*>* as time goes on. It gets to the point of being almost unusable after a*>* week. Is there something I should be doing different?*Hello Matthew, Thanks for using MonetDB. Interesting application target.
This is a known issue. The system keeps the deleted tuples and rebuilds the table. A vacuum-like feature is needed and on the wishlist. For now, taking a copy of the table would 'solve' your problem. regards, Martin
* *>* Thanks,*>* Matt*>*
* Gaurav Meena