Hello: I am new to MonetDB and I'm no linux wizard either, so please excuse, but can you help. I'm trying to install MonetDB-server-4.12.0-x86_64.rpm on SuSE 10.1 (amd64) using the rpm -ivh command and I have "error: Failed dependencies." It says libMapi.so.0 () (64bit), libcrypto.so.5 () (64bit), libmutils.so.0 () (64bit), libssl.so.5 () (64bit), libstream.so.0 () (64bit) are needed. Where do I get these? I've been searching, but all I can find is their presence in other rpm packages. For example, I see that some of these are in the MonetDB-client-4.12.0-1.x86_64.rpm, but it has it's own lengthy list of missing dependencies for installation. Can you give me a hint. I feel like I'm in dependency hell, but I realizie I'm more likely in naive dumblandia. Help please........Thanks, George